Webinar Replay:
Transformational Executive Retirement Benefits
Northwell Health Shares their Strategy & Journey
AHA Leadership Summit July 28th, 2021
Speaker Line Up with minute marks to fast forward to a specific speaker topic.
- Introduction with Jim Hebets
- Where did the journey begin? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 1:15)
- Who are the stakeholders that need to be included? Jamie Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 9:00)
- What else is Northwell Health doing to be a Destination Employer Joe Moscola (Start Time: 13:30)
- Where did you go to get the information that you needed to understand your options? Jim Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 15:40)
- What types of plans did you consider? Jim Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 19:25)
- How does loan regime split dollar work? Jim & Jamie Hebets (Start Time: 23:21)
- What were the biggest hurdles? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 33:21)
- How did your team effectively collaborate? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 35:21)
- What made this transformational? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 38:00)
- The Magnitude of the Transformation – Financial Model Jim Hebets (Start Time: 40:32)
- What has been the feedback from your participants? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 43:40)
- What do you most desire from plan communication and administration? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 45:15)
- The Transformation Roadmap & Closing Comments Joe Moscola, Jim & Jamie Hebets (Start Time: 47:40)
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Attract & Retain Key Leadership: How Northwell Health is using this innovative vehicle to attract & retain their key talent
- Tax-Free Retirement Income: How Northwell Health was able to dramatically improve the net spendable retirement benefits for their executive team
- Cost Recovery w/Interest: How Northwell Health is now able to recover 100% of the cost to fund their executive retirement program, with interest
- Competitive landscape for qualified senior leadership: Why executive benefits are crucial for retention
- Employer Balance Sheet Transformation: How Northwell Health dramatically improved their financials by switching to loan regime split dollar. Employer contributions now considered an interest accruing asset instead of an expense and liability
- Improved Optics: How this type of program can avoid reporting on the Schedule J of the form 990.
- How Loan Regime Split Dollar Works: From concept to financial modeling to legal consideration to communication to plan administration and support. The full road map from start to finish.
As leaders in the industry, and with the backing of our parent-company NFP, we firmly believe there is safety in numbers. The Hebets Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NFP. Our international organizational strength can be highlighted as follows: