Webinar Replay:

Transformational Executive Retirement Benefits

Northwell Health Shares their Strategy & Journey

AHA Leadership Summit July 28th, 2021

Speaker Line Up with minute marks to fast forward to a specific speaker topic.

  1. Introduction with Jim Hebets
  2. Where did the journey begin? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 1:15)
  3. Who are the stakeholders that need to be included? Jamie Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 9:00)
  4. What else is Northwell Health doing to be a Destination Employer Joe Moscola (Start Time: 13:30)
  5. Where did you go to get the information that you needed to understand your options? Jim Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 15:40)
  6. What types of plans did you consider? Jim Hebets & Joe Moscola (Start Time: 19:25)
  7. How does loan regime split dollar work? Jim & Jamie Hebets (Start Time: 23:21)
  8. What were the biggest hurdles? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 33:21)
  9. How did your team effectively collaborate? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 35:21)
  10. What made this transformational? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 38:00)
  11. The Magnitude of the Transformation – Financial Model Jim Hebets (Start Time: 40:32)
  12. What has been the feedback from your participants? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 43:40)
  13. What do you most desire from plan communication and administration? Joe Moscola (Start Time: 45:15)
  14. The Transformation Roadmap & Closing Comments Joe Moscola, Jim & Jamie Hebets (Start Time: 47:40)

In this webinar you will learn about:

As leaders in the industry, and with the backing of our parent-company NFP, we firmly believe there is safety in numbers. The Hebets Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NFP. Our international organizational strength can be highlighted as follows:

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